Did you get my video? I have more pictures that I will send later. Ya... my pday switches all the time and it will always be on a Monday or Tuesday during transfer week. Sorry about that... I hope to hear from you before I finish this email :) It's transfers and we are staying! We knew that because I'm still training Sister Coontz. I am going to write President and tell him I can never leave Hiram and that I received my own revelation. haha
This week has been so great. Not the greatest in numbers... but so great in finding and everything else!
We took this guy in our ward teaching with us, his name is Jerry. He has been hitting on us... it's kinda weird. He's like in his 70's and I think he thinks it's funny. ;) Well, he and Jim are like the same person so he said he reallllyyy wants to help Jim. Which is awesome. We just don't think that we can take him to another lesson because they both talk too much! Jim is hopefully in the hospital right now...getting things sorted out... Jerry kept saying the whole night "I am addicted to sea food, when I see food, I eat it!" He says he was a comedian. ha ha
So we have a limited amount of miles that we can use each week on our car and they lowered a ton... so we have been biking again! It is hard in this area because our area is so big, it wastes time when we bike, but we had no choice! We biked like 27 miles up and down hills! It was insane. I was laughing sooo hard. Sister Coontz was screaming "I'm going to die, stop Sister Johnson. No. Not doing it. Kill me now. I'm done." Like every second. She couldn't walk the next day, I was like we can make it, you got it! Then when we got to the appointment... the people weren't there..... sad day. But, we met people on the side of the road so that was good!
We went to Hiram College this week and we met quite a few people. We met this awesome girl Alyssa (she's a freshman and plays volleyball) and then we met Katee! Ahhhhh Katee is soooo dang cute. She is 20 and so adorable. I feel like we could be way good friends. We were both sooooo happy! Can't wait to tell you what happens... bad news... we will only be in our area like 1 day next week :( When Elder Ballard comes, we will be at sites most the week.
Michael is watching conference with us at the McIntyre's! We are stoked :) Jim and Lisa will be watching it at a members home.. and the Stamm's will be watching it with us at a members home too!
Then remember the Stamm's? The cute couple that we ate with? Well... we went and ate with them again this week. We had an awesome lesson on Alma 56 talking about the Stripling Warriors. I seriously love this story... you have probably heard it, but it starts out with Helaman sending a letter to Moroni. We explained that they had decided to defend their country and that the Lamanites were shedding the blood of so many valiant men and were taking possession of different cities. There were these young boys who were known as the 2,000 stripling warriors. Helaman was leading them and they were going to fight... we talked about verses 45-48 and 56.
They say...
45 And now I say unto you, my beloved brother Moroni, that never had I seen so great courage, nay, not amongst all the Nephites. (LOVE THIS, how powerful!)
46 For as I had ever called them my sons (for they were all of them very young) even so they said unto me: Father, behold our God is with us, and he will not suffer that we should fall; then let us go forth; we would not slay our brethren if they would let us alone; therefore let us go, lest they should overpower the army of Antipus.
47 Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.
48 And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it.
These boys faithfully followed the teachings of their parents and leaders. Because they had done that, they were strong and miracles happened because of their faith! It goes on to say...
"But behold, to my great joy, there had anot one soul of them fallen to the earth; yea, and they had fought as if with the bstrength of God"
Not one of them died! Can you imagine having that much faith? It was expedient for them to have faith. It was expedient for them to have learned from their mothers, parents and leaders on how to have faith and trust in God. They fought with the strength of God. With God anything can happen... I know this can happen with us too. It is EXPEDIENT for us to listen to our parents, follow the prophet and counsel of all of our leaders. We committed the Stamm's to listen to the prophet and watch conference... the spirit was so strong. They asked, " How will we know if he is the prophet?" We told them if they prayed, they would know without a doubt. Their hearts have softened so much since we first met them, they were not interested one bit at first.
We are soooo excited for conference coming up. What a great opportunity we have to hear from the leaders of the church.. I am so happy, I can't wait :) They are going to tell us what the Lord would say if He were standing here. I have understood more than ever that just like they are called by God to be general authorities, I have been called by God to be a missionary and just like these wonderful, humble, strong, Christlike men, I too can be a mouthpiece and instrument in His hands. We can all be an instrument in His hands.
Enjoy conference! Take lots of notes :)
Love you a lot! Miss you lots!
Sister Johnson
ps- I took a lady on tour who looked and acted just like gma Johnson.
pss- we watched the broadcast in a members movie theatre! so fun!
pss- I forgot to tell you a quick miracle.... I had a random piece of paper in my scriptures with my handwriting that said "call Theresa" with her number.... no idea where it came from... called it. She was excited, but when we went to her house, she wasn't there. So we called and she gave us her real address so we went back this week to try again. We were leaving another appointment and I said "I feel like we need to go see her instead of Dale" We went.. .and I guess it was a miracle that we caught them! Turns out... she is a previous relief society president, married in the Hawaii temple, from Utah and all her family is LDS! Crazy! No idea how that number got there and I don't remember writing that....
Sister Coontz and Sister Johnson upload sam_0686.mp4later (won't work now) |
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